Parent Help
Homework and Study Guidelines for Parents
The homework process may be the most important contact you as a parent have with the school. Homework serves an important function in your student’s life. It will help your student review and reinforce the concepts covered in the classroom. It is also a method for your student to develop sound work and study habits that will assist him or her throughout the remaining school years. As a parent you are the vital link to helping your student develop successful routines to handle the assigned work. Below are a few tips to follow as you work with your student.
Communication Tips: Dealing with low grades When a low grade shows up on a progress report, parents can become anxious about the problem and resort to blaming, scolding, or grounding—which may not result in improvement. It might be more effective to have a discussion in which parents recognize the student’s own disappointment and try to work out a plan of action for improvement. Always keep in mind that it is the student’s responsibility to take the lead in diagnosing the problem, suggesting solutions, and working through the situation. Here are some questions you might discuss with your student: